Ballroom 1, Level 1, Magellan Sutera Resort
07:15 AM
60 minutes
08:15 AM
08:30 AM
08:45 AM
Registration of Delegates
Arrival of Speakers and Members of the Press
Arrival of Invited Guests
Arrival of VVIPs
Arrival of Guest of Honour
The Right Honourable, Datuk Seri Panglima Haji Hajiji Haji Noor
Chief Minister of Sabah
08:50 AM
10 minutes
Welcoming Address by:
Dolly Jimayol, CEM
Organising Chairperson
Project Director, Midas Events Management (MEM)
09:00 AM
20 minutes
Opening Address by:
Guest of Honour,
The Right Honourable Datuk Seri Panglima Haji Hajiji Haji Noor
Chief Minister of Sabah
09:20 AM
20 minutes
MOU Signing Ceremonies
State of the Industry Address
09:40 AM
20 minutes
Keynote Address 1:
Datuk Ir. Bacho Pilong
Senior Vice President, Malaysia Petroleum Management PETRONAS
10:00 AM
20 minutes
Keynote Address 2:
Ian Ramshaw
General Manager
ConocoPhillips Assets
10:20 AM
10 minutes
Special Address 1:
Sabah Energy Corporation
10:30 AM
10 minutes
Special Address 2: (TBC)
The Honourable Senator Tan Sri Datuk Seri Panglima Anifah bin Haji Aman
Invest Sabah Berhad
10:40 AM
10 minutes
Special Address 3:
Datuk Harris Annuar Tan
Sabah Oil & Gas Service Council
10:50 AM
20 minutes
Morning Break, Networking
VIP Lunch (sponsored by SOGDC), Exhibition Tour by Guest of Honour
11:10 AM
1 hour 20 minutes
05 minutes
Executive Plenary:
Collaboration & Co- creation: Opportunities for growth in the expansion era
Ts Anwarudin bin Saidu Mohamed
Chief Technology Officer, Reservoir Link Energy Berhad
Honorary Secretary, Malaysian Oil, Gas & Energy Services Council
Panelist 1:
The Honourable Datuk Dr Hj Hazland bin Abg Hj Hipni
Deputy Minister, Ministry of Energy and Environmental Sustainability of Sarawak
Panelist 2:
Mohd Yazid Ja'afar
President/Chief Executive Officer
Malaysia Petroleum Resources Corporation
Panelist 3:
Dr Kenneth Gerard Pereira
Managing Director
Hibiscus Petroleum Bhd
Panelist 4:
Siti Hurrairah Sulaiman
Country Chair
Shell Malaysia
Panelist 5:
Ian Lim
General Manager
Growth and WL4-00 Asset
12:30 PM
2 hours
Lunch, Networking and Exhibition Visit
02:30 PM
1 hour 20 minutes
05 minutes
Plenary Session 1:
Catalysing local economic growth
Set-the-Stage Remark:
Datuk Dr Rafiq Idris
Vice Chancellor
University College Sabah Foundation
Mohd Zamri Abdul Ghani
Head of Quality & Assurance,
Project Delivery & Technology
Panelist 1: (TBC)
Panelist 2:
The Association of Banks in Malaysia
Panelist 3:
Megat Zariman Abdul Rahim
Velesto Energy Berhad
Panelist 4:
Ts Syed Saggaf Syed Ahmad
Malaysian Oil, Gas & Energy Services Council
03:50 PM
45 minutes
05 minutes
Plenary Session 2:
Natural Gas: Clean & Efficient Source of Energy & Crucial Transition Fuel to Renewables
Moderator: (TBC)
Ezwan Zakaria
Vice President
President/CEO Office
Malaysia Petroleum Resources Corporation
Panelist 1:
Abdul Aziz Othman
Malaysian Gas Association
Panelist 2:
Adrian Tan
Senior Vice President
04:45 PM
30 minutes
Malaysia Petroleum Resources Corporation
05:05 PM
15 minutes
Sabah Oil & Gas Service Council
05:20 PM
2 hours
SOGCE Networking Cocktail, Promenade, Level 2
(All Speakers/Moderators/Panelists/Special Guests/Conference Delegates
are invited)
Day 2, Friday, 4 July 2025 @ Sipadan Hall 1, Level 4
20 minutes
08:30 AM
Keynote Address:
Datuk Harun Ismail, JP
Managing Director/Chief Executive Officer
Sabah Oil & Gas Development Corporation
1 hr 20 minutes
08:50 AM
05 minutes
Technical Session:
Emergence of Blue Economy
Set-the-stage Remark:
Dr Firdausi Suffian
Chief Executive Officer
Invest Sabah Berhad
Ts. Mohammad Nur Ikhwan Sunoto
Executive Committee, Malaysian Oil, Gas & Energy Services Council
Panelist 1: (TBC)
Puan Hazami Habib
Chief Executive Officer
Akademi Sains Malaysia
Panelist 2:
Yang Berbahagia Datuk (Datu) Rosmadi Datu Sulai, JP
Ketua Pegawai Penyelaras
Secretariat Sabah Maju Jaya
Panelist 3:
Shell Malaysia
10:10 AM
20 minutes
Morning Break, Networking
1 hour 20 minutes
10:30 AM
05 minutes
Plenary Session 3:
Sustainable Pathways
Set-the-stage Remark:
Charlotte Wolff - Bye
Vice President and Chief Sustainability Officer
Corporate Sustainability
Ts. Sharifah Zaida Nurlisha Syed Ibrahim
Chief Executive Officer
MMC Oil & Gas Engineering Sdn Bhd
Panelist 1:
Edey Suresh
Board Director at Large
Unted Nation Global Compact Network Malaysia & Brunei
Panelist 2: (TBC)
Emry Hisham Bin Yusoff
Senior General Manager
Carbon Management Department
Panelist 3:
Justin Nga
Decarbonisation Director, Asia Pacific
Power & Energy Resources Software
General Electric
Panelist 4:
Adrian Lasimbang
TONIBUNG and Centre for Renewable Energy and Appropriate Technologies
11:50 PM
45 minutes
05 minutes
Plenary Session 4: by Energy Industries Council
Panelist 1:
Panelist 2:
12:35 PM
Lunch Break, Networking
Exhibition Visit (Closing time at 05:00 PM)
All conference delegates are encouraged to visit the exhibition hall to expand your network, enhance your visibility and strengthen your business relationships